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Artist in Residence
Building capacity in Galway
I have been going to Galway for several years to work with Galway Community Circus. This year they have 14 young people form 12 countries working to make a centre for Wire walking. Part of a project for Galway 2020 where hundreds of young people will walk across the river Corrib . I did a team building/train the trainer course and now have a long distance mentoring agreement !
I was supported by Welsh Arts Council to be an artist in residence, 14 days to build the confidence of young people in writing and speaking
Ideas of inclusion
I was chosen to facilitate a team of trainers looking at "Ideas of Inclusion" 2021/2022
The lead trainers from 6 countries travelled to Cologne and worked on a pilot programme exploring the issue. We were then joined by another dozen experienced trainers to test ideas and adapt them to different countries, cultures and languages, An amazing opportunity and the potential of more work in 2022 as pilot projects are spread around Europe
Another training week in Slovenia and a conference in Bristol have happened !
Samos refugee camp
In December 2019 I had the chance to work with Performers Without Borders and The Flying Seagulls. We worked on a joint rpoject in a refugee canp in Samos Greece.
The work of providing therapeutic play/leisure activities for hundreds of young people was challenging but very rewarding.
An amazing pair of charities putting light and energy into some very dark places
Classrooms without walls Spring 2019
I was lucky enough to get a place to present at a conference called "Classrooms without walls" in Meppel Netherlands
The week long event with students from International schools looked at creative approaches to education- with speakers on architecture,language, virtual reality and electronic classrooms
I presented ideas about walls being within people if they had a fixed mindset and percieved thenselves as poor learners. I used games, activities and the process of learning physical skills to illustrate this
I also had the opportunity to see the students presentations integrating their new learning into their practice

Over 55's Circus event
An interesting project in Rotherham where I worked with LETS circus . Groups came to see the show, and get involved in workshops, We also ran workshops in a local library where people threw themselves into a range of activities - including a 94 year old tight rope walking and laughter filled hula hooping filling all the space between the shelves !

European Circus Skills Exchange
In July 2016 I went to Turin in Italy on behalf of Circusworks to participate in a masterclass on how to teach juggling. The event was part of a European skills exchange which aims to professionalize youth circuses and I went with the aim to share the skills I learned in the UK (see below). The week-long training equipped participants with a range of methods for using juggling to develop physical literacy and in an occupational therapy setting.